Babel: Choice Mac OS

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Are you stuck with this error?

Follow these simple steps to create your own starter express application that can be reused for any of your Node.js projects, along with the ability to write code in ES6+ syntax.

  • Future of Supply Chain Trade Finance in 2021: Swati Babel, CEO, PrimaDollar India SaaS provider Instamojo acquihires entertainment startup Showman.
  • Similar choice › Babel obfuscator full. Babel Obfuscator is a powerful protection tool for the Microsoft. Babel Obfuscator. Interesting tutorials. How to check your WiFi connection speed in Mac OS X. Selected) and check the value. As, Broadband. How to check the CPU temperature on a.
  • MacOS (previously Mac OS X and later OS X) is a proprietary graphical operating system developed and marketed by Apple Inc. It is the primary operating system for Apple's Mac computers. Within the market of desktop, laptop and home computers, and by web usage, it is the second most.
  1. Have some familiarity with terminal commands and how they work.
  2. Have Node.js installed on your machine. For instructions, click one of the two links below to get setup:
    1. MAC:
    2. Windows:

Babel: Choice Mac Os Catalina

Getting Started

In your development folder, run the following commands

Initializing the Node project

Assuming you're inside of your starter project's directory (node-starter-project), run the following command:

-y allows you to skip all of the default questions npm asks when initializing your node project. If you'd like to fill out the questions, run npm init and leave out the -y.

Installing Dependencies


The first module we will be installing for this project is nodemon

If you haven't used nodemon, I'm sure you're used to manually restarting your server, which can become time consuming and inefficient at times.

Nodemon removes the need to constantly restart your server because it does it for you! As you are developing your project, nodemon will listen for new changes and will automatically restart your server once those changes have been detected. This gets rid of the need to do it yourself and allows you to develop a lot quicker.

To install Nodemon, run the following:

or if you use yarn, run:

–save-dev forces nodemon to be installed as a devDependency. Dev Dependencies are libraries that are needed for the developers only and are not needed for the application to run in production.

Examples of developer dependent libraries are webpack, or unit testing libraries like mocha.


Express is one of the most popular Node web frameworks. It allows us to respond to http requests. With this in mind, we're able to setup routes and decide what to return back.

To install Express, run:

–save means that the library you are installing is required to run the application. It is important that express is being utilized in order for our application to run.

Testing with ES5

Inside of node-starter-project, create a src/ directory.

Inside of your src folder, create the file index.js. This will be the entry point of your application. When we run our application, nodemon will be pointing to this file.

Paste the following code into index.js:

This is basic vanilla javascript using ES5 syntax. We'll work with ES5 for testing purposes, then we'll integrate ES6 syntax once babel is setup.

Test Running the Application

Before we run our application, we'll need to make some adjustments to package.json.

In the scripts section, add the following script.

We just configured a new script that can be ran with the command start. The command tells nodemon to start our server.

Your package.json should look something like this:

Run the following:

In a browser of your choice, go to localhost:3000

By now you should see 'Hello World' in written in your browser. So far, we have set up a starter express app… but we want to write ES6 code!

For giggles, try pasting the below ES6 code into index.js and see what happens.

You should be given an error that says: SyntaxError: Unexpected token import. This is where babel comes into the picture.

Running Your Node.js project with ES6 using Babel

Node.js won't run ES6 code, which is why we need an external library like babel that compiles ES6 (2015 javascript) code down to ES5.

To learn more about babel:

To install babel, run the following:

These will be downloaded as devDependencies.

We're almost done! We just need to create a .babelrc file and make some adjustments to our npm start script in package.json.


Create a new filed named .babelrc

Inside this file, copy and paste the code below:

This allows us to code in the latest possible version of javascript without having to manually configure that ourselves.

Lastly, we need to update package.json. Update the start script with the following code:

Your package.json file should appear like this:

If you haven't already, paste the following ES6 code into src/index.js:

You should now be able to write ES6 syntax in your project stress-free, just run npm start.

If you have any questions, feel free to fill out the contact form or comment below.

Babel: Choice Mac Os Catalina Descenders. Happy Coding!


Create a new filed named .babelrc

Inside this file, copy and paste the code below:

This allows us to code in the latest possible version of javascript without having to manually configure that ourselves.

Lastly, we need to update package.json. Update the start script with the following code:

Your package.json file should appear like this:

If you haven't already, paste the following ES6 code into src/index.js:

You should now be able to write ES6 syntax in your project stress-free, just run npm start.

If you have any questions, feel free to fill out the contact form or comment below.

Babel: Choice Mac Os Catalina Descenders. Happy Coding!

Mac Os Versions

'The biggest risk is not taking any risk… In a world that's changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail, is not taking risks.' – Mark Zuckerberg

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